Posts Tagged ‘iPhone’

There were many laugh out loud moments today with Hugh Laurie and Judge Judy in the morning, and Chris Hartwick of Web Soup at the Digital Luminaries Awards, but no one could top Donald Trump who won over many fans when Andy Cohen of Bravo asked Jillian Michaels, Curtis Stone and Trump their thoughts on […]

GigaOm’s Mobilize is live streaming right now (19,000 viewers), so if you can’t be there, tune in at  If you can be there, drop by the Mission Bay Conference Center in San Francisco where close to 1000 industry execs are discussing the future of the mobile web. Great networking with Accenture, Adobe, Adaptive Path, […]

Picture this, you walk through shimmery streamers and thousands of colorful balloons drop. Enticing expo booths beckon you to spin the wheel of wonder to win a flying monkey and purple light stick, and there is coconut shrimp galore.  That was Tu 6/2 the opening night of Connections: The Digital Living Showcase and Conference which wrapped […]

650 attendees, the vibe of a rock concert, and lots of lox.  How cool is that. Eventhough dozens of digital media events have played out in the past week, SanFranMusicTech wins hands down for best time had by all.  Emotionally intense, Ted Cohen and Rob Pegoraro had the audience bellylaughing with hilarious riffs, while there […]

I’m in NYC to cover some of the excitement with the Upfronts and have been having fun running up and down Fifth Avenue meeting with content licensors, distributors and agencies for my clients. I love my hometown but have mixed feelings about the weather. So we’re all just hunkering down when Scott Kirsner’s Cinematech blog […]

Call me VOIP! Ever since the iPod Touch came out with a speaker last Fall everyone’s been fiddling with trying to make calls with the headphone mic. There was Fring and Truphone, but there wasn’t Skype til today. Now every 8 year old out there can call his/her buddies who have Skype for freeeeeee. Pretty […]

The problem with buying any titles (video, music, games) is the boredom factor. After a certain number of plays, it’s great to try something new.  So rental is revolutionary but with a week turnaround, GameFly is far from the solution. Hopefully Netflix will buy them, but til then XBLA and WiiWare are the only on […]

Here are some of the great events that took place in the last week:   COMMONWEALTH CLUB:  ROCK STAR REVOLUTION (Th 2/5, SOLD OUT!) Last Thursday, got to schmooze with Tim Westergren, Founder, Pandora; Steve Jang, CMO, imeem; Nion McEvoy, CEO, Spin Magazine; and Dana LoPiccolo-Giles, Founder, CreateSpace at the Sheppard Mullin Digital Media Law […]

SD Forum is just that hidden gem of a speakers soapbox one is thrilled to have stumbled upon when in Silicon Valley.  Their games conference at Microsoft was packed with precious nuggets on shifts toward social gaming and use of Facebook Connect.  There was much excitement about iPhone and XBox revolutionizing indie game development and […]