Posts Tagged ‘Ticketmaster’

AFM is still going strong but our attention now shifts back to the Bay Area where Mobile Monday rolls into town with a focus on Brands Gone Mobile, Nokia’s hosting cocktails, sure to pack the house.  The party continues on W eve at Adobe’s VIP reception and Th with NewTeeVee Live.  Everyone will be there. […]

There is so much going on, never mind mobile with CTIA, TV with MIPCOM, film with MVFF, and books with LitQuake, music alone dominates SoCal over the next few days with Billboard Mobile Entertainment Live! in San Diego today and Digital Music Forum tomorrow and Thursday in LA.  Follow along at #CTIA, #DMF.  Here’s the […]

650 attendees, the vibe of a rock concert, and lots of lox.  How cool is that. Eventhough dozens of digital media events have played out in the past week, SanFranMusicTech wins hands down for best time had by all.  Emotionally intense, Ted Cohen and Rob Pegoraro had the audience bellylaughing with hilarious riffs, while there […]